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Craze Nails

We’ve all heard them—myths and misconceptions about nail growth that seem to circulate endlessly. From the belief that nails can “breathe” to the idea that certain foods can make your nails grow faster, there’s no shortage of misinformation when it comes to nail care. But what does science have to say about these nail growth myths? In this blog post, we’ll separate fact from fiction and debunk some of the most common nail growth myths once and for all.


Myth 1: Nails Can “Breathe” and Need to Be Left Bare:

One of the most persistent nail myths is the idea that nails need to “breathe” and should be left bare from time to time to allow them to recover. In reality, nails are made of dead keratin cells and do not have respiratory systems like our skin does. While it’s true that excessive use of nail enhancements like polis hand nail hardeners can weaken the nails over time, there’s no need to leave them bare to “breathe.” In fact, keeping your nails  protected with nailwraps can actually help prevent breakage and promote healthy growth.

Myth 2: Certain Foods Can Make Your Nails Grow Faster:

Another common myth is the belief that eating certain foods, such as gelatin or biotin-rich supplements, can make your nails grow faster and stronger. While a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is important for overall nail health, there’s little scientific evidence to suggest that specific foods or supplements can significantly impact nail growth. Instead, focus on eating a varied diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to support healthy nail growth from the inside out.

Myth 3: Cutting Your Nails Will Make Them Grow Faster:

Contrary to popular belief, cutting your nails does not actually make them grow faster. Nail growth occurs at the nail matrix, which is located beneath the cuticle, and is influenced by factors such as genetics, age, and overall health—not by how often you trim your nails. While keeping your nails neatly trimmed can help prevent breakage and promote a tidy appearance, it won’t affect the rate at which your nails grow.

Myth 4: Nail Hardeners Can Fix Weak or Brittle Nails:

Many people believe that using nail hardeners or strengtheners can fix weak or brittle nails, but the truth is, these products may do more harm than good in the long run. Nail hardeners typically contain ingredients like formaldehyde or toluene, which can actually dry out the nails and make them more prone to breakage. Instead of relying on harsh chemicals, focus on gentle nail care practices such as moisturizing regularly, wearing gloves when doing chores, and avoiding excessive exposure to water and harsh chemicals.


When it comes to nail growth, it’s important to separate fact from fiction and rely on science-backed information to guide your nail care routine. By debunking common nail growth myths and adopting healthy nail care habits, you can promote strong, healthy nails that look and feel their best. So the next time you hear a nail myth, remember to take it with a grain of salt and trust in the power of science to set the record straight.

Join the Conversation:

Have you ever fallen for a nail growth myth? Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below, and let us know if there are any other nail care topics you’d like us to explore in future blog posts. Don’t forget to tag us in your nail care tips and tricks on social media using #NailedIt and #Crazenails. Let’s debunk myths and promote healthy nail care together!

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